History In Focus
NEC has been around long enough to have overhauled or upgraded a number of generators more than once during their life times.
Few non-OEM companies have serviced the Power Generation Industry for as long as National Electric Coil. In continuous operation since 1917, NEC grew up with the industry, initially servicing the mines in Bluefield, West Virginia and evolving in its first 30 years to a full-scale heavy electrical manufacturer and overhauler. In the last 50 years, NEC has designed and manufactured coils for even the very largest power generating units.
Today, we manufacture replacement windings and repairs for any generating unit, from the smallest air-cooled machines to the biggest water-cooled fleet leaders. We provide generator owners an alternative to the OEM for their repair, retrofit and upgrade needs.
When National Electric Coil recast its priorities in 1995, after the buyout of its division from MagneTek by NEC’s management team, the focus was on generators. NEC has a long and extensive history with the manufacture of replacement stator windings prior to the 1940s when it entered the high-voltage stator winding market.
Our goal since the mid-1990s has been to build on this expertise and realign manufacturing and service capabilities to meet and exceed the needs of the next generation of power generators and owner-engineers – from traditional government-owned and investor-owned utilities, to independent power producers and industrial cogenerators. Our history is why you’ll find our people and resources focused not on turbines, not on new equipment sales, but a complete commitment to maximize your generators performance, reliability and life.
Our history is why NEC is completely focused on being your total generator solution!.
Reconnecting Our Expertise
NEC's seasoned industry veterans have lead the company in shedding the resource-
diluting, diverse product lines of a conglomerate and achieving the laser sharp focus to become
an industry-acknowledged expert with generators.
As NEC became a independent corporation again, it retained much of the generator expertise in the current management team. Most have been with the company since the 1970s and some since the 1950s and 1960s.